Mont Tremblant, Canada

Ride share

Ride share

Chun-Xia Yi

If you are driving to Mont-Tremblant and are willing to offer a delegate a ride from the Montreal airport, please post on this Discussion Topic with the day and time you plan to be in that area, and how many people you can accommodate. Thanks.

  • Jim Staples

    We will drive from London ON on Th. 19 July, returning on Sat. 27 July. We have room for one passenger, and happy to stop along the way to take someone. Contact me directly at

  • Jessica Healy-La Price

    I will have a car and will be arriving in Mont Tremblant Saturday evening, so I'm willing to make an airport run for up to 3 people arriving before noon on Sunday.

  • vyazovskiy

    I am looking for a ride to Mont-Tremblant from Montréal any time on the 21st of July. Please drop me a message on or +44 7557 37 20 24 if you could give me a lift. Thank you!
    Vladyslav Vyazovskiy

    • Jim Staples

      If you can get to the airport there will be two buses on that day:

      departing Sunday 21 July at 14:30 (look for Dr. Matt Regan)
      departing Sunday 21 July at 19:30

      There are no tickets, fees or registration for the bus – just show up on time. Please meet at the YUL information desk near door 28 on the arrivals level at least 15 minutes before the bus departs. A conference volunteer (named above), carrying the conference logo, will meet you there. Please note that the information desk staff will have no information about the buses; this is simply a convenient place to meet.

      • Florant

        Hi Jim, We will miss the 14:30 bus, so plan to sit and wait for the 19:30 bus. It would then be quite disappointing to find that bus to be full with people "just showing up on time". Have you booked a very large bus, and thus you are sure everyone will have a seat? If not, perhaps there should be an updated list of people counting on it. Thanks, Tracy Florant

  • Jessica Healy-La Price

    If anyone will be in Mont Tremblant on Sunday morning, and not participating in the trainee session, I'm looking for someone who would be willing to drive my rental car from Mont Tremblant to the airport to pick up a session presenter at 1pm while I'm running the session. Please email me at if available, thanks!

    • Jim Staples

      If anyone takes the Galland bus from the central Montreal bus station, and needs to be collect in St Jovite, please contact me at