The program (updated 20 July) is available below! Please note no paper copies will be provided.
You can download the .ics calendar file, below, with all of the conference information. It’s homemade, but should work for Outlook and Google Calendar. Hopefully it also works on iPhones.
Trainee session
Dear colleague,
You may have noted on the program of events for the upcoming International Hibernation Symposium a Trainee session scheduled from 1300-1700h on Sunday 21 July before the pub quiz and welcome session. The intent of this session is to provide some background information and discussion on hibernation to those new to the field, and career stage-appropriate professional development and networking for those trainees. The form to sign up to participate as a trainee in the session is here:
The basic structure of the session is as follows:
- 13:00-13:45: Introductions & icebreaker
- 13:45-14:45: Mini-lectures – Where is the field going? What questions are you finding most interesting right now?
- 14:45-15:00 Break
- 15:00-15:45 Breakout session 1 – professional development in small groups by career stage
- Group 1: undergrads & early grad students
- Group 2: late grad students/early post docs
- Group 3: late post-docs and early faculty or those new to the field
- 15:45- 16:00 Break, re-organize
- 16:00-16:45 Breakout session 2 – techniques for interest groups (TBD)
- 16:45-17:00 Wrap up, announcements
PI’s, if you could please forward this email and link to the sign-up form to your students, I’d appreciate it! I’m also looking for a couple more PI’s to help with the presentation parts of the session, so if you are interested or have questions, please contact me directly at .